Hard facts


Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems is an intensive, academic program held in English.

The interdisciplinary summer university focuses on alternatives to the economic status quo: International participants deal with limits of growth, as well as the instabilities of our financial system. They learn why a drastic system change is necessary to reach the target of stabilizing the world climate - and most importantly: they are presented with an array of innovative approaches!


In 2024, AEMS will take place from July 15th to August 2nd.

Target group

The AEMS summer university is open to students and professionals from all fields who strive to create a more just and green future. Every year, the program welcomes 50-60 international participants - with no more than 10% from the same country! Are you looking for a unique educational program with a holistic approach to the topic - and learning among international participants? Then look no further!

Course aim and credits

The aim is to raise awareness for the urgently necessary shift in our economic system and for the many alternatives available. Participants learn about the interconnections between economy, finance, society and the environment and gain knowledge of an array of reform proposals that consider natural boundaries and the human factor to be equal parts of the equation. The alternatives discussed are generally applicable worldwide. However, please note that the program focuses on perspectives for the Global North, as this is where the expertise of most speakers lies.

After successful participation, students receive a certificate of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU University) for 5 ECTS. Continuous attendance during the full-time program is mandatory!

Receiving a grade

For successful participation in the program, students need to:

  • complete the preparatory work (before AEMS)
  • participate in the group project (during AEMS)
  • present a presenter (during AEMS)
  • write a blog post (during AEMS)
  • wrtite a reflection at the end of AEMS
  • fill in the feedback forms during AEMS (only with regards to THAT students fill it in, not WHAT they fill in. The anonymized content of the feedback is evaluated after AEMS to be taken into consideration for follow-up years)

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