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For a sneak peek into the important topics of Green Building, in 2021 we organized three moderated high-level online-discussions with international experts. They were targeted on a like-minded audience and helped us to reach out to more people as those talks were accessible for everyone around the world. Networking sessions were included afterwards.
Dedicated to the topic of approaches for a lower carbon footprint of buildings, the event took place in cooperation with the Vienna Business Agency and welcomed speakers Thomas Gamperl (Viessmann) and Edeltraud Haselsteiner (Urbanity). Doris Österreicher (BOKU University) moderated the event.
This talk with Roland Bechmann (Werner Sobek) and Marloes Fischer (madaster) was moderated by Christoph Soukop and welcomed 170 registered participants from 35 countries, who took a good look at exciting projects that redefine what’s possible to accomplish when materials as reused instead of being simply discarded - and that goes for household residual materials too! Please find the recording below.
For a carbon free society to thrive, urban areas need to drastically change how they function and use resources. Future cities and communities need to give back more than they take.
Günter Lang (LANG Consulting, passathon) and Simon Schneider (FH Technikum Wien) explored the crucial role of Positive Energy Districts in shaping the sustainable and resilient built environment that future generations deserve together with moderator Doris Österreicher. The first talk attracted 220 registered participants from 44 nations! Watch the recording by clicking below!